This workshop will address chronic muscle imbalances.  Learn how to teach stabilization of core muscles. Learn how to increase core muscle strength and release muscle tightness.  You will learn exercises designed specifically to wake up the muscles of the core.

There is no equipment needed, so you can use these exercises as homework for our clients as well as for the home client population.

Bring your body ready to workout and experience these exercises!!


Core Stabilization Workshop

Where: Ocean Pilates

1727 Ocean Park

Santa Monica, CA 90405


When: Sunday, June 23, 2013

Time: 10:00am-12:30pm

Cost: $150.00

Please register by contacting Nancy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 661-714-1358



Dee was prescribed a regimen of ACT Chemotherapy.  Adriamycin, Cytoxan and Taxol.  Some of the possible side effects of this type of chemo are decrease of white and red blood cells as well as platelets, mouth sores, nail changes, decreased appetite, taste changes, hair loss or thinning, numbness and/or tingling to the fingers and toes.  Dee experienced hair loss, decreased appetite and numbness to the fingers and toes.

Dee purchased a Reformer, Magic Circle and a Foot Corrector so we could work out of her home.  She borrowed a Wunda Chair, High Barrel and a Mat.  We kept her session varied because she wasn't just a woman going through chemo.  She still wanted a really good workout!

The idea of chemo is to get it in the body so it can kill the cells, cancerous and otherwise.  OUR idea was to then get it OUT of her body as quickly as possible so it would not hang around to do more damage to healthy cells.  We concentrated a lot on breathing.  Inhale the good air and exhale to blow out all the toxins(and I mean TOXINS!)  We also did all the rolling exercises on the Mat.  Rolling Like a Ball, Open Leg Rocker and Seal.  All of these exercises articulate the pressure points along the back that help rid the body of toxins.  Again, let's get rid of those toxins!

Dee's chemo appointment was usually on a Friday and our sessions were on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Mondays after chemo were the toughest.  She did not feel great and could not break a sweat not matter what we did.  Wednesdays were about the same but by Friday she would finally be able to sweat and then she felt "fine".

Many people on ACT can experience Chemotherapy Neuropathy.  Dee did not and we believe it is from all the Pilates and the breathing she was doing that kept her body moving and blood circulating.

Dee only missed one Pilates session (due to fatigue and nausea) while she was going through chemo.  She kept up a 3 times a week Pilates schedule as well as her weekly dance class and regularly played tennis.  Quite an amazing woman.

Coming next as part of "Dee's Story" will be how Pilates helped her through Radiation.